Student Projects and Placements

Please find below a list of the students that have contributed to the design and development of FASTBLADE through-out a wide range of projects. If you are interested in a student project or placement please email us:

  • I started working for FASTBLADE at the beginning of my third year of my undergraduate Mechanical Engineering degree.

    Anastasia in the School of Engineering Structures Hall
  • I worked alongside engineers from Babcock to identify the optimal method of mounting the structure to the ground.

    FASTBLADE cgi model
  • Andras enjoys sailing in his spare time. He is an Electrical and Electronics engineering student going into 5th year. Andras is doing his Masters project with Fastblade working on the control system of the motors and pumps and their safety features in order to comply with regulations.

    Andras Nemeth at the wheel of a yacht
  • About me

    5th year Mechanical Engineering (MEng Hons) student. I graduate this summer and I am moving to London to start my graduate job in September. Enjoy playing hockey and golf in my free time.

    Murdo playing hockey


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